Monday 24 March 2014

Who cares?

I am appalled.

Yesterday a friend called me an asked me to read a letter posted online, and then to read the comments that followed the letter. I did, and the comments left me speechless.

Here is the article, and the comments. Please read them.

I hope you are as appalled as I am at the shallowness and lack of compassion currently being demonstrated by so many in our world.

Hundreds of government reports across the western world are describing the severe discrimination being faced by the baby boomer generation approaching, but not yet reaching, retirement age. Many thousands of mature age workers are facing long term unemployment resulting in the loss of their assets and a near starvation level of forced retirement on inadequate benefits. This is not conjecture. This is fact.

The social fallout for these people is severe. The level of penury is such that they can no longer keep their cars on the road to get to social events, they are unwilling to take public transport at night even where it is available, so in the end, they can no longer meet their friends for coffee, even if they could afford the price. Very few have friends good enough to pick up their tab with no question, indefinitely, so friendships drift apart and total social isolation ensues.

Many become homeless or are living in frightening and exploitative circumstances due to inadequate emergency and low cost accommodation. The end result is isolation, a depression that is totally justified as they see no way out, and in too many cases, suicide.

Two of my female friends have suicided because they saw no hope for their own futures. These women haunt me because I was utterly unaware, in both cases, that they were about to suicide. I should have known. I should have helped them. Don't we all feel like that when a friend takes the ultimate step? Why did we not see it coming? Why were we not aware of how desperate they had become? The rate amongst men is much higher than it is among women, and the rate of both genders is increasing.

Yet somehow our population is still not catching on, of if they are, they do not care. We have a smug generation of current retirees who retired when they were ready, retained their assets, and are living a comfortable retirement. Even where they are reliant on the old age pension they are living on a benefit that is $300 a fortnight more than unemployment benefit (for a single). Add to that a "careless" generation of younger people unable to grasp that they will follow in the footsteps of the current generation of elders, and they will get the same harsh treatment they are handing out.

The result is a generation of elders who have worked extremely hard for their entire adult lives being squeezed out of any place in the world that they have helped to create. Many of these people have supported others all their lives, only to find that when they need support, they are told to get out there and continue to help others as their solution. When they can no longer help themselves, they are still expected to be the caregivers!

I urge any social researchers to read the letter and the responses that triggered this article, . We have a responsibility not only to study the phenomenon in our well paid jobs with our comfortable offices, driving our safe cars, and returning to our secure homes, but also to do something practical about it.

Whether we are personally involved, or just supporting others who are personally involved, let's make our voice heard.

Who will help me get my Mature Age Workers Hubs and Think Tanks off the ground so that no more mature age under-employed worker need go through what this man is going through, alone?

Are you personally involved or do you know someone who is?  Please tell us your story by clicking the word "comment" below. 

Would you like to help? Please contact me through the contact form to offer your support and practical help.


  1. Are you personally affected? Do you know someone who is?

  2. Christine, it's great that you've set up this website. All power to you for making a difference, and highlighting the social issues our politicians and general society, like to avoid. I will keep following your blog. Meantime, I particularly like this piece from a UK blogger (Sorrelish) -

  3. Hi Christine,

    I am 'nobody care' I am well qualified.
    I was applying for jobs and including my date of birth, received no replies.
    Applied for one leaving off date of birth, within two days I had a phone call to see when I was available, they emailed employment contracts and condition of employment etc.
    I filled out the forms with my date of birth, never heard from them again. The job is still advertised, by multinational company.
    Doesn't seem quite fair, but as nobody care.
    Thank you for your kind words

  4. I had a similar story just this week. I was head hunted for a role by a recruiter, but as I had to incur big expenses to see the potential client, I asked the recruiter to check that Coles is mature age friendly. The next I heard was that Coles is not proceeding with the role. Sure! Fortunately my client list is relatively active at this time, so no drama, but at other times I would have been devastated.
