Friday 21 February 2014

Are you a mature age Australian worker?

Are you a mature age Australian worker, around 50-65, who wants to stay productively and appropriately employed into later years, in work that is respectful of and fully engages your skills and abilities?

Would you like to get together with other mature age workers to design an infrastructure that supports us as an entirely new demographic? We need to take a fresh look at:
  • appropriate employment that suits mature age workers
  • appropriate welfare system that respects the skills and lifelong contribution of mature age workers
  • appropriate continuing education opportunities to enhance existing skills in addition to the current re-training of the inappropriately or inadequately skilled
  • appropriate community attitudes, including appropriate attitudes to health and age
  • appropriate retirement infrastructure including appropriate housing
If you have something to say, around 15 hours per week and skills going begging, please contact me through the contact form further down this page.

I am creating two inaugural groups, one group on the ground in Bendigo, Victoria, and one on-line group for anyone else who would like to work towards better earning prospects and so a better quality of life for all mature age workers.